How to Configure a Slot in a Table


The slot is a position on a team that allows for the player to have more space to get open for a pass. This is the spot that most shifty players or quick guys like to play, as they can get a step or two ahead of the CB and not be grabbed right away. The slot also is a great place to put your best receiver, as it gives them the chance to make something happen.

A specialized table slot that holds data that repeats on a specified time period (for example, monthly evaporation coefficients for a reservoir). A periodic slot can be configured to interpolate or lookup data or both. Unlike scalar slots, which have numeric column headings, periodic slots can have text column headings.

Using the Edit menu, you can configure the display format, column labels and row labels for each slot in a Table. You can also specify how each slot will behave during a simulation. For example, you can specify that a specific cell will be solved for or set as the result of a rule in rule-based simulation and that this value should be displayed.

In a Series Slot with Periodic Input, the slot displays in the Slot Viewer or in the Slot Dialog depending on its type (see Figure 6.24). The slot is identified by special ornamentation in the column heading and an icon that opens the slot in its own Slot Dialog to allow you to enter periodic input values.

You can dock a scalar slot or Series Slot with Expression by dragging its icon onto the Slot Viewer or by using the File and then Dock in Slot Viewer menu. Note that the slot must be docked in order to see its menu options. If you select a slot that has been docked, some menu options will not be visible. This is because the menu options for a docked slot depend on how the slot was configured, such as whether it was Docked, Default or Display Compression Mode.

You can also show the Selection Info Area (also called the Summary Area or Selection Statistics) in the Slot Viewer by highlighting cells in a single slot. The Selection Info Area provides a variety of statistical information on the selected data including the sum, average, median, min, max and range for all values in the selection. This can be a useful tool for quickly identifying the most important data in the selection. The Selection Info Area can also be used to select all the values in a slot, which is useful when you want to use the Slot Dialog to change the data that you see. The Selection Info Area is a useful tool for understanding the data in your selections, and it can help you develop more effective models. It is recommended that you use this tool in conjunction with the Table Editor and Slot Dialog.